maitai version 2 cocktail with pink color drink in a poco grande glass garnish with orange slice on the glass rim

MAITAI (Version 2)


Cocktail Recipe

30   ml   Bacardi Superior Rum

15   ml   Cointreau Triple Sec Liqueur

30   ml   Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

15   ml   Simple Syrup(2 sugar >1 water)

1  dash   Pomegranate(Grenadine)Syrup

15   ml   Bols Creme De Noyaux Liqueur


Glass         Poco Grande

Method      Blend or Shake and Pour



In a blender, combine all ingredients with the crushed ice. Blend well at high speed  and pour into a chilled poco grande glass or shake and pour over ice cubes into poco grande glass

Garnish      Orange Slice