miami vice cocktail with color drink in a hurricane glass garnish with red blue and white pineapple slice on the glass rim

Miami Vice


Cocktail Recipe

First Step

30   ml   Bacardi Superior Rum

15   ml   Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

 2   pcs   Fresh Strawberry Fruit

15   ml   Simple Syrup (2 sugar>1 water)


2nd Step

30   ml   Bacardi Superior Rum

30   ml   Del Monte Pineapple Juice

15   ml   Coco Lopez Coconut Cream

1  dash   Bols Blue Curacao Liqueur

(Layered strawberry daiquiri +

pinacolada top with blue curacao)


Glass          Poco Grande

Method      Frozen / Layered



First step ) In a blender, combine rum,  fresh strawberries fruits, lemon juice and  simple syrup with the crushed ice; Blend  well at high speed; pour into a chilled  poco grande glass (half of the glass layered);


2nd step) In a blender, combine rum,  coconut cream and pineapple juice with  the crushed ice; Blend well at high speed  and pour into a chilled poco grande glass  (half of the glass layered on the top) Top with blue curacao

Garnish      Pineapple Slice